Published inMr.T • 塵思產品人2022–2024 專欄文章錦集近期在一些媒體上有撰寫些許專欄文章,在不同的時期依據專欄的期望,有各種形形色色的主題,主要為職場專業、產業分析兩個。以下分享給讀者們相關的連結與心得:Oct 2Oct 2
Published inMr.T • 塵思產品人軟體業善用專案管理思維做產品開發的時機點這篇文章將帶您探索產品開發和專案管理的世界,就像我們一起踏上一段新的旅程一樣!我們將聚焦在敏捷和瀑布式管理,並分享如何在現實生活中應用這些方法。無論您是新手還是老手,這裡都有豐富的內容和實用的指南,幫助您應對各種挑戰。跟著我們一起探索,讓我們一起來發現成功的秘訣吧!Feb 23Feb 23
Published inMr.T-Product ThingsUnderstanding Solution Planning: 3 Keys to Unveil the B2B GameBefore investing the resources in design and development, one of the stages is navigating the solutions which we need to provide our…May 14, 2023May 14, 2023
Published inMr.T-Product ThingsMastering the B2B Product Life Cycle: Tips and Insights for PMsNow, we are starting a series of introductions about B2B product management which a product manager or a project manager must know.Apr 9, 20231Apr 9, 20231
Published inMr.T-Product ThingsThe Different Categories of a PM — Specialist or GeneralistNo matter whether you are a junior PM or a senior PM, you will always think about what is the NEXT step in your career path. Should I…Mar 26, 2023Mar 26, 2023
Published inMr.T-Product ThingsWhat is the difference between a B2B product manager and B2B project manager: responsibilities and…Always exists mystery in B2B product managers and project managers. Regarding the B2B part, there are many different methodologies…Mar 14, 2023Mar 14, 2023
Published inMr.T-Product ThingsThe Role of a B2B Product Manager and B2C Product ManagerMany people love to be B2C product managers instead of B2B product managers because they can easily reach their product easily and be…Mar 5, 2023Mar 5, 2023
Published inMr.T-Product Things(Keep Updated) Cracking the B2B Product Manager [2023.05.14]This article will keep up-to-date to organize a series of articles to help you and me unleash the mystery of being a B2B product manager.Mar 5, 2023Mar 5, 2023
Published inMr.T • 塵思產品人Inter BEE 國際影音播放與媒體展覽於日本之所見所聞有幸與公司同事在 2022 年共同去東京看看相關產業 Inter BEE 的產業知識,因為鮮少有國內的同學對此展覽有相關介紹,希望透過一點圖文分享,跟讀者介紹這展覽的特點與受眾。先說,標題中「國際影音播放與媒體展覽」是屬於個人的註解,官方正式的定義如下Dec 24, 2022Dec 24, 2022
Published inMr.T • 塵思產品人PM 說說產業 — B2B 影音串流,日本企業 J-Stream (jストリーム)提到日本在地的 B2B 影音串流企業,除了近年在日本有所表現的台灣企業 KKStream (KKBOX 相關企業),就必須從 1997 年成為日本第一家影音串流企業的 J-Stream。不單單只是服務日本市場,在全世界的耕耘相當有名氣。這篇文章讓我們從日本企業的角度,了解…Oct 12, 2022Oct 12, 2022